Friday, September 7, 2012

Follow Friday #29


Follow Me Friday is a book meme hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read. #FF is a blog hop that expands your blog following by a joint effort between bloggers. In order to join in the fun, all you need is well . . . A book blog :)

The question this week is:

What are you reading right now? How do you like it?

My answer:

Nothing actually. I finished a book last night, Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins, and haven't started on anything else. But, I must say that I LOVED that book! It was exactly what I'd needed - fun, light, fast paced and completely un-put-downable. If you haven't read it, you should definitely do so. :)
Well, what's your answer?

Please leave links to your FF's, so I can stop by!! Oh, and if you're a new follower, let me know so I could return the favor!


  1. That book is on my to-read shelf :) Glad to see you loved it, I'll have to put it to the top of my list! Thanks for following, I'm most certainly following back :D
    -My FF via Novel Reveries

  2. Sweet Evil is one of the best books I've read this year so far. I love it and most especially Kaidan :)

    Liza’s Feature Friday

  3. Your in-between books? Sometimes I like doing that, especially after a really good book. Lately I haven't had time. Sigh.

    My follow friday! Please visit!

  4. I bought Sweet Evil a while ago and still haven't read it because I kept borrowing books from the library. I plan on reading it very soon, along with all of the other books that I bought but never read.

    Old follower. Our FF

  5. A girl who comes into the library where I work just read Sweet Evil, and she loved it too! I demanded that I check it out, and read it, so we could talk about it. Glad you liked it! :)

  6. Hey there! Lovely blog. Thanks for following! I'm following you back now!

    I do hope I will love the MI series as much as you do! (:

  7. Ooh nice! I heard mixed reviews of Sweet Evil so I had to take a pass on it. Plus I have wayyy too much in my TBR mountain and I add to it nearly every week and only deduct one or two!

    Hope your next read is awesome for you!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  8. I still have to read Sweet Evil.Better get to it soon.Glad you enjoyed it :)

    old follower :)
    Janhvi @ The Readdicts

  9. I am happy that you enjoyed reading Sweet Evil.
    I still didn't read it but it is on my To Read list forever.

    Happy reading!
    My FF

  10. I think I might give Sweet evil a try :)
    New follower :)Check out MY FF

  11. New follower here! I've seen Sweet Evil a few times... but more importantly, how could you not already have something new lined up? XD

  12. I have Sweet Evil on my TBR too. I am in between books right now so maybe I should pick it up.

    Thanks for stopping by. I am a new follower.


I absolutely LOVE comments!!! So, if you stop by my blog, please leave me something nice :)

NOTE: I'm sorry for putting the CAPTCHA back up. I know it can be annoying, but I've gotten so many spam comments in the past week, it's not even funny.