Tuesday, August 21, 2012

In her shoes ~24~

Every Tuesday I will pick a character I've read about recently, perhaps even the week before, and try putting myself in her shoes. What things would I do differently? What have I learned from her behavior? That kind of thing. You are welcome to participate if you want, just please link back, so we could build a nice community of followers. Thanks!!! :)

What fun! It's Tuesday again and I have another special girl to share with you! Her name is Cyan, and she's the lead female in the novel Dark Side of Night by Amanda Day.

So, who's Cyan? She's a warrior against evil. She's the light's sword against darkness. She's tough, she's experienced and she's got loads of anger piled in her soul.

She's also an ordinary girl with strong emotions, who's been hurt more than once and never wants to feel pain again. But who can say when love would come knocking on you're door? And when it does, would you be able to push it away just so you could preserve yourself from the eventual pain of heartbreak?

I loved Cyan for the strong personality that she had. I really liked her passion for protecting the good, the light, the hope, while firmly believing that she's a monster as well.

What I didn't like about her was that she was way too stubborn in pushing Oscar away. Sure, she'd been thru a lot. And I do mean A LOT. But still, when a great, honest guy comes your way... well... you don't let him go. EVER.

Cyan's my pick, who's yours?

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