My dearest followers,
Today is just another Monday. But it is a Monday of introductions, too. Today I'd like you to meet author Amanda Day, who recently had her first book published. Read on and enjoy!
Hello Amanda, it's so nice to feature
you on my blog today! Could you please tell the readers a bit about

How did "The Dark Side of Night"
come to life?
I had finished reading a paranormal
romance book which featured the standard mysterious boy and normal
girl who never seems to understand why he picks her when she is so
‘normal’, and I was a bit fed up about the fact that it is always
the boy that is the dark, brooding one, usually blessed with
abilities. I wanted a strong female who wasn’t pining for someone,
or needed saving. I wanted her to be the one saving other people. As
soon as I had decided this, Cyan literally popped into my mind fully
formed, walking down a dark alley with long silver swords in her
hands, black hair flowing behind her, and amazing white eyes. After
that, the City kind of grew around her, along with all the monsters
inside it. Lastly, Oscar came along, being everything Cyan wasn’t,
and a really sweet boy!
Was it difficult to get published, as a
debut author?
I did try the traditional route and
submitted to agents for around a year. I got some really positive
feedback, but no solid takers for the book. I sat on it for another
year and moved on to other projects. Then a friend kept telling me
about Amanda Hocking and how I needed to look into self-publishing. I
only half listened to her as I didn’t think I was capable of
self-publishing. Then I kept seeing stuff about Amanda Hocking
everywhere I went and decided to pay better attention! The more I
learnt about the process with Amazon, the more I thought I had
nothing to lose. So I got the book back out, worked on it every spare
moment I had to get it ready and, after months, here we are. It took
longer and more work to get it ready than I thought, but the actual
process of getting it online was easy. Trying to get it out and
circulated in the world has been surprisingly tough, but also
surprisingly satisfying to the point that I think I will self-publish
future books from the start.
Do you remember the exact moment you
decided to write? Place, time, reason?
Well, having always written it never
really occurred to me that I might try to do it as a job. Therefore I
think it was more a slow realization that it was my dream job. My
first book that I wrote (and that I aim to publish on Amazon in
September) is a Middle Grade fantasy adventure which was inspired by
a little house I used to drive by every week. On the first week I
thought it was a funny little place. On the second week I wondered
who lived there. On the third week I started to make my own story up
about it, and the story grew from there, until I decided I wanted to
write it down. I had no idea how to write a book so I just loosely
plotted it out and started to write… and found I couldn’t stop.
It flowed so easily, it was amazing! After that, I knew writing was
the job I wanted to do more than anything else in the world. Then I
started seeing more inspiration everywhere I looked, and now I have
enough story ideas to keep me going for many, many years. If one day
I really can call myself an author as my ‘proper job’, then I
will go back to that little house that I used to drive past which
inspired me, and take the people that live there a big bottle of
Tell us something special about your
characters - what are they like? Why did you choose to write about
Well, like I already mentioned, Cyan
popped into my head fully formed and icy cold! She was already
bad-ass, difficult, unfriendly and mysterious, and it took me quite a
long time to figure her and her story out. Even though she has a
difficult personality, I liked her straight away because I could tell
that all her fierce bravado was actually padding around a very broken
heart. I knew straight away, as soon as I saw her in my mind, that
she was not as strong as she seemed, and that it was all just a
brittle shell to protect her. I also knew she was capable of opening
up and being really interesting to write about, so I stuck with her
and waited for all the details to come to me and work themselves out.
Oscar was much easier. I wanted Cyan to be offered the chance to be
with someone who was her complete opposite in almost every way. I
wanted him to be warm enough to thaw her iciness, someone to test her
anger and impatience whilst themselves being able to be gentle and
patient with her, and someone who came from a good, solid and loving
background who could show Cyan that life doesn’t have to be a fight
all the time, and that it can be full of goodness and happiness. At
the time of writing the book I knew someone who was very smiley,
sunshiny, friendly and (literally) bouncy, and so I loosely based
Oscar around him, as he was the real life opposite of everything Cyan
was, so it was quite easy to write Oscar because, in a way, I already
knew him!
Does your story have a message that you
want to reach the readers? What is it?
I would say it has two messages. The
first is that even though sometimes love is hard and painful, or
seems impossible, it is worth the struggle. The second message, I
would like to think, is to fight for what you believe in with a
strong heart, even if you have to do it alone. Following your heart
through life is so important - in all things.
And, last one, I promise, how was that
gorgeous cover created?
Awwww it is pretty. My wonderful and
gorgeous best friend, Lucy Kirton, is a highly talented designer and
illustrator who created it for me. The city landscape is a photo my
husband took on a trip we took to London, whilst the eyes are
actually mine – but thankfully digitally manipulated! Lucy pulled
everything together with a touch of her amazing wizardry. She also
made the gorgeous night background and chose the fonts, both of which
I adore. She really did an excellent job. I am hoping to have links
to her and her work sometime in the near future on my blog
I am also hoping she will want to work on all my future covers
because she is so good at what she does!
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