Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Blog tour (Interview): Where Life Takes You by Claudia Y. Burgoa

My Tour Stop feature - an interview with Claudia. Please read on, it's kind of entertaining :D!

Me: Hi Claudia! *waves eagerly at the screen* What experience of yours relates to a scene in your book?
Claudia: I lost two friends to a murder suicide, they were twenty at the time.

Me: OMG, what?!?! That's so tragic and sad and all kinds of wrong! I know that saying “I'm sorry” won't help, but I am sorry. Who was the first person to ever read your work?
Claudia: My best friend

Me: If you had a picture of someone in your wallet, who would it be?
Claudia: My family

Me: How do you take your coffee?
Claudia: I prefer tea, caffeine creates a jittery, more crazy me.

Me: Crazy is good sometimes though, no? What's your greatest fear?
Claudia: Not accomplishing the goals I set.

Me: Girl, you sound like a perfectionist. If you were given the chance to take the place of one Fairy Tale character, who would you choose?
Claudia: Red riding hood

Me: Really? But.. but she got eaten! *sniff* Enough sappy stuff already! Tell us about your writing process. Do you outline, or are you more of a seat on your pants type of a writer?
Claudia: I'm a little of both, I guess as you write, you learn and grow. Now I outline some, then the pantser in me loose for a bit and then retake the outline. The Freedom of both worlds.

Me: What is your most interesting writing quirk?
Claudia: I need to have my hair tied or I can't concentrate.

Me: Okay, that's weird. FYI, I can't stand my hair not being tied up, so I totally get your point. Why do you write?
Claudia: To share the stories I imagine with others.

Me: The best book you've ever read?
Claudia: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Me: Oooh! Coelho!! How often do you visit the library? The book store?
Claudia: Physically, I'll say weekly. Digitally… Twice a day :)

Me: How long does it take you to fall in love with a book?
Claudia: Not much, first pages.

Me: Do you read any blogs regularly?
Claudia: Yes, cooking blogs, author’s blogs, reading blogs and a few music blogs.
Me: Who is the one author that you would love to meet someday and why?
Claudia: Oscar Wilde, I want to have a long conversation with him. I have a bit of a mindcrush on him. So sad the guy is no longer among us.

Me: Describe your dream car.
Claudia: Black convertible Bentley

Me: Yeah, 3 words describe it all, don't they? What's the pet of your dreams?
Claudia: A Pegasus

Me: Mhm, I can see the appeal. One thing you're ready to beg for.
Claudia: Four more hours in a day :)

Me: Just four? You're kind of modest, aren't you? You collect...?
Claudia: Books and sweaters.

Me: Sweaters? Well I guess it's better than candy wrappers... Fruit you can't live without.
Claudia: Grapes

Me: If you were put to the task to create your own soulmate, how would he/she look like?
Claudia: A combination of Daniel Brightmore and Mitchel Knight.

Me: Oooh! Nice one! What are you wearing right at this moment?
Claudia: Lounging pants and a t-shirt, writing uniform :)

Me: Why do all writers wear the same kind of gear when at their laptops? You people are supposed to be a creative bunch! Just kidding. What do you carry in your purse/pockets?
Claudia: Not much, my purse is tiny and only holds my ID, cards and money. Simple.

Me: Have you ever been hurt so much, you didn't find it in yourself to forgive?
Claudia: Forgive yes, but I detached from that person. After having so many whiplashes by the ones I love, I learned to detach from those that said I'm sorry but continued hurting me.

Me: Huh. Smart girl you are, Ms. Claudia. May the muse of romantic stories be always with you ;)

Book details:

Where Life Takes You by Claudia Y. Burgoa
Publication date: July 31st 2013
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult

Becca Trent lived her childhood next to a cruel woman—her mom—who lived to torment and neglect her. During her high school years, her mother married; bringing home not only a new husband, but a step sister her same age. The latter took over her Mom’s role—making Becca’s life miserable. Including stealing Ian—Becca’s best friend and boyfriend—Lisa treated her worse than her mother had for the previous fifteen years. A couple of years later, things ended up in tragedy.

Becca buried that part of her life in the deep corners of her psyche, but that only work during the days when the nightmares didn’t come back to haunt her. Her best friend, Dan gives her that family love she always lacked. Everything was close to perfect, until everything and everyone from her past came back. Now, she’s trying to figure out how to survive and keep that bond which seems now to be held together by a thread.

Note: This is the first part of a two book novel.


Book Trailer: 



About the author:
Claudia lives in Colorado with her family and three dogs. Two beagles who believe they are human, and a bichon who thinks she’s a beagle. While managing life, she works as a CFO at a small IT Company. She’s a dreamer who enjoys music, laughter and a good story.

Author Links:

GIVEAWAY DETAILS: Tour wide giveaway
--A Kindle HD or 140$ Paypal Gift Card (INTL) - Ends July 8th

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