Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday #54

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly blog post by Jill over at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights releases we're eagerly awaiting.

My pick this week is:

Title: The Truth About You & Me
Series: none
Author: Amanda Grace
Release date: September 8th, 2013 by Flux


Smart girls aren't supposed to do stupid things.Madelyn Hawkins is super smart. At sixteen, she's so gifted that she can attend college through a special program at her high school. On her first day, she meets Bennet. He's cute, funny, and kind. He understands Madelyn and what she's endured - and missed out on - in order to excel academically and please her parents. Now, for the first time in her life, she's falling in love.
There's only one problem. Bennet is Madelyn's college professor, and he thinks she's eighteen - because she hasn't told him the truth.
The story of their forbidden romance is told in letters that Madelyn writes to Bennet - both a heart-searing ode to their ill-fated love and an apology.
 Why I want to read it:

I'm curious about it. I mean, the cover is cute, and the story seems promising. The only thing that is the unknown variable here is whether I would like the writing style... if it's really a bunch of letters... we'll see I guess. It's not like I haven't read a diary-type books before...

So how about you? What amazing book are you waiting on this week?  


  1. I'm also a little unnerved by the writing in letters... However, I think the story of this forbidden romance sounds really good. I'll keep an eye open for your review on this. Thanks for sharing! My WoW

  2. Replies
    1. Hehe, Scott Pilgrim had me cracking up! :D

  3. Cool pick! Thanks for sharing :)

    new follower of the blog & on twitter!

  4. I got this one from NetGalley a while ago, and I can't wait to get into it! It sounds awesome. Hope we both enjoy it!

    My WoW

  5. This book is on my TBR list, and it sounds interesting. The format sounds different than most books.

  6. Bel recently read this one and said it was very good. Great pick! Thanks for stopping by our WOW.


  7. Great pick. My goal is to read this before the end of summer. Thanks for stopping by!

  8. This one looks really good and I think I would like the epistolary style. Thanks for stopping by my WOW :)

    1. I'm hoping I like the style.. it's the only thing that could go wrong for me.

  9. Student/teacher relationship! I love it! Great pick!

    My WoW

    Allison @ Book Fixation

  10. I have an ARC of this book. Still need to read it! Great choice for the week.

    Toni @ My Book Addiction

  11. The Truth about You and Me sounds amazing. I've seen it around and hope to read it sometime soon :D

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  12. awww that is a lovely, romantic cover. it sounds like a really good read too

    check out my WoW


  13. Doesn't really sound like my kind of read, but I hope you love every page of it! :D

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  14. This is one I'm definitely going to read. I have some worries about the writing style, too, but hopefully the story will be good enough to not let it bother me. Great pick!

    Thanks for visiting my blog earlier!

  15. This sounds wonderful & I love the cover!

    Thank-you for stopping by my WoW 

    Sharon – Obsession with Books

  16. Thanks! I sure do hope it turns out good!


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